

SV Kampong Tennis offers great opportunities for companies to bring your company to the attention of a large and diverse group through sponsorship. The largest group of about 750 members consists of the age group 20 - 25 and there are about 140 youth members. There are full competition weekends, an open tournament and fun day tournaments with many tennis players and visitors. The tennis courts of SV Kampong Tennis are located on the south side of the large estate of SV Kampong, the largest sports club in the Netherlands, with 6,500 members. Spnsored cloths are clearly visible to players and visitors on and near the surrounding hockey fields as well.

Along the six courts, the tennis park has several positions for sponsored cloths of up to 12 by 2.5 metres. At the moment there are 4 sponsor banners, but a number of positions are or will become available.

In addition, it is also possible, for example, to sponsor teams or to link your company name to an (open) tournament or another activity or target group. Agreements are made for each sponsor about the sponsorship contribution and return. So if you are interested in becoming a sponsor at SV Kampong Tennis, please contact us for more information. We can best be reached via bestuur@kampongtennis.nl.

The privacy policy of SV Kampong tennis does not allow third parties, such as sponsors, to approach members directly.

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